How Interventional Bronchoscopy Treats Lung Cancer

How Interventional Bronchoscopy Treats Lung Cancer

Bronchoscopy is extensively utilized by pulmonology departments to treat advanced pulmonary diseases. It has also become a key part of interventional pulmonary treatment used by top oncologists worldwide. This medical technique is particularly helpful in treating lung cancer.

What is Interventional Bronchoscopy?

Interventional bronchoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves inserting a camera to look inside the respiratory airways to access and examine the lungs. It is useful for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

A bronchoscope, which is a flexible and thin tube with a video camera and light, is inserted through the patient’s mouth or nose and then passed through the airways to reach the lungs. Any abnormalities found by a chest X-ray or CT scan can be further investigated with bronchoscopy. A biopsy can be performed to determine if there is cancer, and the collected sample is sent to a lab for analysis.

Why is Interventional Bronchoscopy Used to Treat Lung Cancer?

Interventional bronchoscopy is becoming popular for treating lung cancer due to several reasons:

  • It is effective for managing central airway obstruction and diagnosing and treating peripheral lung nodules.

  • It is reliable for both early and advanced-stage lung cancer.

  • Preoperative localization of peripheral pulmonary nodules is possible with interventional bronchoscopy.

  • It can relieve dyspnea (difficulty breathing).

  • When combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it can increase life expectancy.

  • Rigid bronchoscopy can perform other interventional treatments such as tumor removal, stopping bleeding, stent placement, ablation, and balloon dilation.

  • It is useful when combined with electrocoagulation and argon plasma coagulation.

The rising cases of lung cancer make it essential to treat malignant airway obstruction using techniques like interventional bronchoscopy. It is also beneficial for patients with benign airway obstruction and those needing foreign body extraction.

How is Interventional Bronchoscopy Performed?

The interventional bronchoscopy procedure typically involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation: The patient is prepared, and anaesthesia may be administered to numb the throat or induce sedation, depending on the procedure's complexity.

  2. Bronchoscope Insertion: A thin, flexible tube with a camera (bronchoscope) is inserted through the mouth or nose and into the airways.

  3. Visualization: The camera provides real-time images of the airways, helping the doctor locate abnormalities, such as tumors or blockages.

  4. Biopsy or Treatment: If a tumor or abnormality is found, the doctor can take a tissue sample (biopsy) or perform treatments like tumor removal, laser therapy, or stent placement.

  5. Recovery: After the procedure, the patient is monitored as they recover from the effects of anaesthesia or sedation.

  6. Follow-up: The collected samples are sent for analysis, and the patient may require additional treatments based on the diagnosis.

The specifics of the procedure can vary depending on the patient's condition and the purpose of the interventional bronchoscopy. It is a minimally invasive technique used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in lung and airway-related conditions.

Interventional Bronchoscopy Treatment

The treatment is divided into different stages:

  • Before: The best pulmonologist in Ranchi will discuss your current medications, especially blood thinners, which need to be stopped before the test. You will be advised not to eat or drink for a few hours prior.

  • During: It is an outpatient procedure, and you don't need to be admitted. You will lie on a table with your head slightly raised. Anaesthesia is given to numb the throat (general anaesthesia is used in some cases). The procedure usually takes about 30 minutes or more, depending on the case.

  • After: Post-procedure, your condition will be monitored, especially if you were given a sedative. You will need to wait until the numbness wears off before eating or drinking. The doctor will provide essential post-procedure instructions.

Possible Complications of Interventional Bronchoscopy

While the risk associated with interventional bronchoscopy is generally low, some complications may occur, such as:

  • Part of a lung might collapse.

  • There could be bleeding in the airways.

  • Lung infection or pneumonia.

An X-ray might help identify any problems caused by interventional bronchoscopy. Symptoms that do not resolve on their own, such as fever, coughing with blood, difficulty breathing, and chest pain, may require medical attention.


There are various treatments and medications available for lung cancer, and interventional bronchoscopy is one of the leading methods offered at the best pulmonology hospitals in Ranchi. It is effective for diagnosing and treating thoracic malignancies and other issues associated with lung cancer.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Raj Hospitals Ranchi. Call 097714 88888.

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